GPS Tracking, Forest Park Map. Can import MBTiles raster map that you select in your Download folder. Can import what I call Profiles files that are path and bicycle tagged extracts from OpenStreetMap data that can be displayed on MAP.Lite version of PDXWalk app is intended as a companion for smaller MBTiles maps made for some limited area and made available by someone else. The Forest Park map and Multnomah Falls map are examples. Create your own MBTiles map to import using the free QGIS program on your PC.You can create GPX track file to access later on MAP or to share with others. It is stored only on the device, not to any account anywhere other than where you may affirmatively send using some other app. The only data sharing is on the device when sending an "Intent" to some other app, like email and messaging, which you choose and control.App includes a settings page to enter an email address to use in the TO field when preparing an email (with location or track file) to forward to your email application for review. It does not send it. Your interaction with such other application controls whether you send or discard. PDXWalk app just prepopulates the fields for the email, for convenience and for reduced error when wet/cold/tired/injured on a hike. (It is one of the earliest features, to meet the personal needs/concerns of the developer.)